Agency Name New Horizons Volunteer Program
Categories Children/Youth,Disabilities,Education,Elderly,Environment & Nature,Medical & Wellness,Women
Contact Name Laura Córdova
Agency Email
Agency Address Avenida 6 de Diciembre 2130 y Colón Quito-Ecuador
Agency Phone 59322541953
Web Address
Office Hours From Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 13:00 and from 14:00 PM to 17:30 PM
Distance from Campus
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement To contribute with the social, economic and cultural development of the poorest sectors of the Ecuadorian population. The volunteers program, is conceived as an efficient mechanism of support to different organizations that need help in different projects of social, cultural, educational, economic and environmental development.
Volunteer Duties Volunteers can help in different tasks according to their areas of interest; for example they can give their support in the areas of English, Arts, Sports among others depending on their skills and interests. Moreover, they can help in the area of environment, or in the area of community work in the areas of education, construction as well as in environment